So Shallow, Is It Real?

Do shallow people exist? What do you think?
Or, is there no such thing? And when they say/do shallow stuff, is it all an act or a facade?

I mean, I'm certain everyone of you has came across someone you think is shallow. Right? I'm sure that sometime somewhere in the past, whether recent or not, you've had a conversation with someone and when the person said something, you think to yourself: "Boy, isn't he/she shallow! There's more to life than ....."(fill in the blank, according to the topic of your conversation at that time).
Think about it la. Take a moment, and really think! How is it possible that people can be so shallow? Hah? :P

How can it be that a person can actually think that getting a boyfriend/girlfriend will make everything right in her/his life?
Or, that life is JUST about having fun? That you would just like to TRY this...or that...for the sake of experience. So that you'd know how it feels? Please la, if it's something you know you shouldn't be doing, then DON'T EVEN TRY! Even if you're not sure whether you should do it, whatever it is, or not. That itself, the fact that you're questioning whatever it is you want to do, should be enough indication that you SHOULDN'T do it. If you're not sure whether something is right or not, why don't just play safe and NOT do it at all? Don't even go near it.
ARGHHH, I just wanna blow off steam in me that's been building up ever since I realised some people I know made some shallow statements/did shallow stuff, that's all.

Waffle With Chocolate Sauce! what I feel like eating right now! Dunno why I suddenly had this strong craving for it. Argh, frustrating wei...My mouth is literally watering right now and yet, there's no easy way for me to get waffles. Unless I bug my mum to drive me a few kilometres to 'I Dunno Where' (omg, where's the nearest place I can get waffles!!?? - The food court near Carrefour Kepong?). Too far la...
And I just had to Google 'waffles with chocolate sauce'! This is what I came across:

Tell me your mouth isn't watering right now...

My Love

Sometimes, it frustrates me that people younger than me can play the piano better than me...
Really depressing la...Like, why can that young kid play so pro like that one!!? WHY CAN'T I?
Haih...Make me feel useless only :P
But, I get really inspired when I watch all these home-made videos of pianists playing nice songs on YouTube. Makes me get up and dance~!! Errr, not really. I mean, makes me get up and play the piano. Hehehe...
I'm not a very good pianist but I love playing the piano! I heart piano!!
But sometimes it's frustrating when I can't find good free piano sheet music for the pieces I wanna learn.
Cos I can't play by ear (haih...why can't I? Why some ppl can one? :( ) and I find it very difficult to learn by watching those tutorials on YouTube (haih...).
I can only learn by listening to the pieces being played and reading the sheet music at the same time. So mafan!! Grrrrr!!!

Testing Encryption of Posts

Encryption key = 1234
Somebody, pls congratulate me :)

Putrajaya ('Family-1' Day Trip)

In case you're wondering (and you SHOULD be, unless you already know the reason behind it :P), why the title of this post has that 'Family-1' thing there, it's because Ti was still on board doing his practical and couldn't join us for this trip, decreasing the number of people in my family by 1.

On Jan 1, 2010, as I've mentioned somewhere (I think it was in my last post that I said it?), my dad brought my family-1 out to Putrajaya to kai-kai (jalan-jalan). He's currently working there and goes jogging after work almost everyday at Putrajaya so he wanted to show us around his 'jogging area'.

Actually, to tell you the truth, Putrajaya is kinda boring la.
But as a Malaysian, you should go and experience being in Putrajaya for a while at least. Cos got nice some places...
Oh, to prevent boredom, bring along a camera, crazy people to do crazy things with and food. :)

Here are the pics I took that day....(and I took A LOT, Putrajaya is such a nice place to practice your photography skills..a lot of new stuff and unique stuff there). But I won't upload all the pics here cos too many adi. I'll just upload the ones that are me. :P

This is the floating mosque at Putrajaya

One of the many bridges at Putrajaya. Dunno why they like building bridges so much there...

Of course, a photo of Family-2 (someone had to take the pic rite. So that person, in addition to Ti, is now missing) and bridge

That bridge is situated at Presint 2

Imagine if this is your house..nice leh

The street at Putrajaya. You see the cars parks on the side of the road? Those cars belong to tourists like me :) People would just park their cars at the side of the road (no yellow line, of course) and come out and take photos...

Lol. I kinda forgot what this building is for already. I think it's the current PM's office, if I'm not mistaken.

Guess what this is!? It's my 'artistic' shot of a lampost :P See la, this is an example of one of the unique things found in Putrajaya.

More of the unique lamposts...

This doesn't look like it was taken in Malaysia rite!!? It has an international feeling to it...
So, in the pic below, it's like we went overseas or sth...

There, you see. It looks as if we took this pic somewhere in Paris or a place usually only seen in movies...

This one also. Doesn't look like it's a place in M'sia.

Another bridge there

Same bridge as the one in the pic above, frm a different angle. With its reflection in the water. Artistic, kononnya...

Walao...another bridge! Seriously la, I think the architect/landscape designer of Putrajaya had a fetish for bridges!


My dad called this building 'The Hat'. -.-"

*Yawn* Noooooo, not ANOTHER bridge! Yes, it is, unfortunately...

Sunset was beautiful there...But I was too busy taking photos that I didn't really get to enjoy it :(
Oh, the sacrifices I make to take nice photos... :P

Fooling around with the coconut tree :P

Fooling around with the fountains

Then it got darker...

and darker...
And so, we went back!

I Know What I Did Last December (Dec '09)

Actually, I don't have the motivation to blog about all the events that took place in Dec '09. But since I took so many photos at those events, I feel like I'm obligated to blog about them or the photos will be useless. So, this was my December last year...

Dec 10 - Dec 12: For these 3 days, I attended an Asia Pacific Youth Alive Conference (APYAC) at Glad Tidings, Petaling Jaya (GTPJ). The title of the conference was 'Speak to the Nations'. APYAC is held once every 3 years and the one I joined was only the 3rd one. The first conference was in 2003 in KL while the second conference was in 2007 in Jakarta. Christians from about 29 countries attended this conference. I can't remember all 29 countries, can only remember a few like S'pore, Japan, Thailand, India, Indonesia, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Vietnam and Africa. Here are the pics...

 Six of us from Bethany Chapel went for this conference.

 The conference hall at GTPJ

Discovered that the world is small when I introduced myself to a girl next to me and found out she's my younger sis' friend!

A few of the Y:Fusionites came for Revival Night 2.

The girls' crazy poses. I think my pose's the least crazy one :( . Must practice my crazy poses!

Dec 19: Y:Fusion Christmas Party '09. I had the privilege of coordinating this event together with the committee. I was so worried that there wouldn't be enough food that I had a nightmare about this party the night before it was held. Imagine my relief when I woke up and realized that it was just a dream! :P

Busy cutting and Uhu-gluing to make the doorgifts (badges). Thanks Meri, Pui Kay, Victor, Melanie, Tres and Diar for sacrificing your time and energy for this!

Lydiar and Pui Kay who were doing the registration.

The emcees of the night, Trester and Nic Cheong.

We had a lot of leftovers!

Youths playing the ice-breaker.

Met new friends there. I hope to see them again soon!

 This is Your Life Skit. Daryl and Trester directed this. Actors are: Beatrice, Emmanuel, Joel, Ka Mun, Lydiar, Rosabel and Wilson.

Group photo taken after the party.

Dec 25: CHRISTMAS!! On Christmas Day, I went to church in the morning for Christmas service followed by lunch. In the evening, my young adults cell went out for C'mas dinner @ PJ. I can't remember the name of the restaurant already! *Edit: It was Pitstop (Thanks, Melissa)*. Anyway, pics...

I learned how to play 'Chor Dai Di'. Thanks to Char and Arnold for teaching me with patience (actually, Char had more patience than Arnold cos Arnold kept trying to play for me instead of letting me learn :P)

After dinner, we wanted to watch a movie so we went to Tropicana City Mall. Unfortunately, since it's a public holiday and the next day's a Saturday, there were no good seats left. Someone suggested posing like the mannequins and we did! =.=

We soon got bored of that and went to Lookout Point somewhere in Ulu Klang. From up there, you can get a great view of the city lighted up at night.

The guy in red is Eng Kian, Eugene's friend.

Corny shots with the moon.

Dec 28 - Dec 29: The Y:Fusion Camp was held on Dec 27 to Dec 30. I wasn't able to go for all 4 days so I planned to go for only one day with Aneetha. The original plan was that, on the 3rd day of camp, we would head out to the campsite early in the morning and head back home at night when the last activity of the day ends.
But, Melissa, who was going to the camp a day before us and coming back with the campers, posted a message on FB saying she's excited to go to camp and tagged Edward, Anee and I in that message. I was already upset that I wouldn't be going for full camp. Then when I found out Edward was going with Melissa and also coming back with the campers, I was even more upset :( Not because I didn't want Ed to go to camp, but because I felt even more left out :P When Anee saw that FB message, she suddenly felt like going to camp on the 2nd day and staying until the 3rd day. So we went in the morning of the 2nd day (Dec 28), stayed a night there and came back on the 3rd night (Dec 29). I enjoyed myself so much that I didn't feel like going back before everyone does. Still, I was so happy that I could enjoy 2 full days of camp! Thanks to Anee for making that possible!

Dec 31: I didn't have any plans for 31st Dec, except to go to church at night for Watchnite Service. But suddenly, Hadi called me around 4 sth p.m. and asked me to join him and Husna in a Monopoly game. We went to the McDonald's at Plaza Mont Kiara and played Monopoly there. It was so much fun! At night, I went to church to usher in the New Year by worshiping God. God's gonna do much greater things in 2010 and I can hardly wait!