Today (Wed, 29 Sept 2010)

Blogging now partly due to Arnold's FB bugging and partly due to inspiration.

I had a presentation today at uni. A proposal seminar, where I presented my research proposal to a very small group consisting mostly of students and only two lecturers (the coordinator of the seminar and my supervisor). It was OK, I wasn't too nervous because the group was small, the seminar room was also very small and only two friendly lecturers were present ^.^
Wanna share something funny that happened while I was in the preparation stage of my presentation slides. So, I had to prepare PowerPoint slides for my presentation right? So, like a  good student doing what she has to do, I did it lah. Then my supervisor wanted to have a look at my PPT slides a few days before the presentation just to check whether it's up to standard or not and when I showed him my PPT slides, he went and changed them by adding more photos, using bright font colours and blowing everything up in size. So in the end, my PPT slides became bigger, more colourful and looked more 'cheerful' (if it's possible to use cheerful to describe PowerPoint slides -.-"). Cute lah, my a little kid only LOL.

On another note, I seriously need a break. I'm so tired of working continuously for the past few days without getting proper rest and lacking of sleep. I feel like flying off to a beautiful remote island with a bunch of my close friends and just hang around all day doing stuff that doesn't require a lot of brain power. I FREAKING NEED A BREAK! haih.......vacation, oh, vacation....cuti cuti malaysia, that's what I need right now..
OK, end of post already. U can go back to whatever u were doing before u started reading this riveting post. But not before leaving a comment of more than 5 words on this post. Thanks! :P


Arnold said...

ok. =D

Tansra said...

arghhh...ah looooooonnnnnnnn! Grrrr!!

charhcy said...

So where are you going for holiday? :)

Tansra said...

@charhcy: I dunno lehhhh...I dun know if I'm even gonna take one or not. :( U help me plan lah hahaha!

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