I Can Feel It In My Gizzards!

Last Thursday, after our BGY 5903 Research Methodology class, my lab mates (Yue Shin and Wei Wei) and I couldn't stand the stress that this tiring week had given us so we decided to watch a 'light' movie to relax. What I mean when I use the word 'light' to describe movies is that the movie shouldn't require us to think so much in order for us to understand the plot. The movie should also be enjoyable and humourous. At the same time, it should also be of a decent quality. None of the seriousness and complexity of Inception, or the silliness and lameness of Meet the Parents.
However, we did not have the luxury of having many options to choose from because the cinema we were going to (TGV The Mines) was only showing a few movies. Legend of the Guardians was the only movie that fitted our criteria and someone (Jarrod, I think?) told me once that it was actually a decent and watchable movie. So we decided to watch that.
Surprisingly, it WAS a decent movie despite the fact that it was a movie about birds (LOL!!)! It definitely fitted our criteria, being an enjoyable movie which didn't require a lot of brain power to understand what was happening in the movie and there were some funny laugh-out-loud parts which did help us relax :D
That is not to say that I didn't find it a little odd watching a movie about owls. There were some scenes which were just so wrong because the characters were OWLS! Like fighting scenes, for example. Can you imagine OWLS fighting, armed with weapons and all!? So so so wrong! Heheheh...Oh, my rating...
Rating: 7/10


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